Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A Day of Writing...

The house is empty and quiet, outside is autumnal and chilly, and here I am inside wrapped up in a blanket, drinking tea and writing. That's what I call a perfect day :)



  1. This is nice. What do you write about? Are all those fiction?

  2. Hello :) Yes I write fiction. I'm currently working on three novels for adults and some short stories.

  3. Are you like a self-published writer or is it just a hobby kind of thing?

  4. I haven't had anything published yet as I'm still at university and don't have a lot of spare time to write, but I hope to have my novels finished in the next year and hopefully publish them :) My short story writing is mainly a hobby for now.

  5. Interesting. I would like to read some of your works someday!

  6. Its nice to see someone else still uses pen and paper to write stories.

    I tend to do all of my story plotting and outlining with pen and pad. Although I do prefer to freewrite the story at my PC, since I tend to use the thesaurus a lot and need the internet at hand to do quick research.

  7. Thanks for the comment :) It usually depends on what I'm writing. When I write my novel based in the Victorian times I always write it by hand first before I type it up, because I find it easier to get into the frame of mind for it. I'm a bit old-fashioned so I love writing by hand :)
